A group of like minded individuals working to bring Chiropractic services to communities in need. Our vision is to expand access, empowering our communities with a conservative whole health model as an alternative option to the current pain management model.
About Our Leadership
Dr. Srikanth Kolli, D.C. is a practicing Chiropractor who is currently working at Almpla Health, which is a Federally Qualified Health Clinic (FQHC). He is a licensed chiropractic physician with over five years of clinical experience working with this FQHC.
Dr. Kolli has also worked with the County Medical Services Program (CMSP), which resulted in Chiropractic services as an accepted qualified service within their program. This allowed for expansion of Chiropractic care in FQHCs and rural clinics. For the first time, the addition of Chiropractic services by CMSP allowed for inclusion into the loan reimbursement program for providers that serve in our qualified clinics.
Dr. Kolli is currently working on avenues to expand Chiropractic services into 100% of California’s community healthcare clinics. He continues to work diligently to help expand and integrate Chiropractic services within our community healthcare clinics. His vision is to enhance the current pain management model, allowing patients a conservative route, working alongside our fellow primary care providers for a brighter, safer future.
Dr. Kolli has a wife and two young children.
“Doctors of Chiropractic are the future of pain management and the leaders of conservative health care.”