Our goal is to have Doctors of Chiropractic in 100% of Community Health clinics.
Allowing for equal opportunity and access to the best conservative care, promoting optimal health and recovery.
We are a not-for-profit organization looking to expand Chiropractic services to Community Health Care Clinics.
Most of our services are 100% free for clinics regardless of membership. Please inquire what we can do for your team.
What we offer is an established practicing Doctor of Chiropractic that has years of experience in an integrated environment that will help any Community Health Care Clinic expand to include Chiropractic services.
Chiropractic services are covered by Medicaid, Medicare (limited) and a benefit in the standard County Medical Services Program.
Why is it important to have a Doctor of Chiropractic in your clinic?
There are many benefits to integrating your clinics to include Chiropractic services. One main benefit is allowing your community to have access to a conservative avenue of pain management, preventing continued use of pain medications. The hopes are to stop perpetuating the need for opioids, in turn helping to reduce the current opioid crisis. Clinics that have integrated Chiropractic services have seen a significant reduction in the prescription of pain medications. The Doctor of Chiropractic is the leader of conservative pain management. The whole health approach that our doctors bring is beneficial to our communities success.
North America was the largest region in the global musculoskeletal disorders prescription drug market, accounting for 53% of the market in 2020.
We will see an increase of musculoskeletal problems in the future generations with poor posture and lack of exercise. If you look at our children, you will see that technological advancements have added to this problem and will continue to cause early onset of musculoskeletal disorders. We must educate them on conservative ways of mitigating these problems.
Eventually our Doctors of Chiropractic will see over 80% of our patients at least once, if we continue to practice conservative health care, which is what is needed to prevent repetitive pharmaceutical epidemics.
Clinics with Doctors of Chiropractic have alleviated the stress of seeing recurring pain patients by the other primary providers, allowing them to focus on meeting the required HEDIS and health measures that patients and clinics need and deserve. The addition of Doctors of Chiropractic brings a complete health care model that will elevate our communities.
Currently there is a third-party, for profit, company that has been reaching out to community clinics stating they will establish a turnkey program that will add Chiropractic services. Unfortunately, they are taking advantage of the clinics and abusing the providers they are placing into the clinics. This is creating an unhealthy environment for all involved. Filling the clinics with poor equipment and not training staff or providers on ways of succeeding in this integrated environment. This third-party company continues to stay involved after establishing the program, only for their financial benefit, acting like a parasite feeding on both ends.
What can the Chiropractic Association of Rural Environments do for your clinic?
We are a not-for-profit organization that can bring in a turnkey experience without taking advantage of any parties. Once established, we exit and are available for consultation and guidance as needed. Our only concern is for our communities and progress in healthcare.
We can:
- Oversight to help drive accountability.
- Train front desk staff, administration, clinic staff, etc. allowing for a smooth integration.
- Demonstrating models for scheduling that are successful in establishing a great workflow. Allowing the Doctors schedule to hold at least 22-24 patients per day/per exam room.
- Educate your providers on when to refer patients and what Chiropractic can do for your community.
- Consult your billing department on any questions or concerns
- Work with IT departments on EMR systems. Charting for Doctors of Chiropractic is different than typical medical charts. We can educate on how to consolidate charting to meet legal requirements, allows for easier submission for billing as well as protection against audits.
- Help with hiring, as we have access to multiple Chiropractic universities and organizations and can find a provider that would integrate well with your environment.
- Train any Doctor of Chiropractic that you have hired on how to have a successful practice in an integrated environment.
- Help with ordering adequate table and equipment.
- etc.
There are many benefits to having someone that was involved in incorporating a successful Chiropractic program into an integrated community health center from the ground up. Our organization can guide you to avoid the pitfalls and bumps that typically arise. The list above is just a few of the ways we would benefit your organization, as we have learned over the years through trial and tribulations. Prevention of failure is the key to success
Are you a Doctor of Chiropractic looking to join a Community Health Center?
Please contact us as we would like to help you achieve this goal.